Satellite Shankar, Movie Review: This Sooraj Pancholi-Megha Akash Starrer Emits Weak Signals

Megha Akash and Sooraj Pancholi try their best to save the satellite from dimming- but in vain. READ OUR REVIEW

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Satellite Shankar, Movie Review: This Sooraj Pancholi-Megha Akash Starrer Emits Weak Signals
It hasn't been easy for Sooraj Pancholi in Bollywood, so far. Satellite Shankar may not help his cause either. After Hero, Aditya Pancholi's son has yet again got a film which has absolutely no substance, no start and no destination.

So yeah, the guy is a soldier. Soldiers are unarguably heroes. But Mr Irfan Kamal wanted to drive home that soldiers are heroes in everyday life too. But we know that, so why have a feature film depicting problems on roads and homes which Mr Soldier gets into before reaching his mother in time for her cataract surgery and back to his military base in time to keep up his promise to his boss? God, the plot has so many sub-plots with so many unknown characters that you wish that Jr Pancholi terminates his journey midway and returns to the border. 

But that doesn't happen. Mr Kamal is hell bent on showing Jr Pancholi's kamaal acts along the way. Heroism indeed, but at the cost  of boring and tiring the audience. 

So, bechara Sooraj is running, err, huffing and panting from Srinagar to down South and back- yes, literally running for l-o-n-g stretches.


My heart bleeds for Sooraj. This young man had to wait for nearly 4 years to make just his second splash. Sadly, it may not throw up much water, despite the fact that he dives deep and hard into whatever he has been asked to do. 

But thank you, Mr Kamal for getting Megha to Bollywood from the South. Hindi filmmakers, please sit up. Here's an innocent-looking and beautiful girl who can jolly well act.


Music: Was it there? Editing: Was it there? Writing: Was it there?


And yeah, Mr Kamal is someone bitten by the Internet bug- and how! So there's too much of videos, blogging and viralgiri. Phew!

My signals are weakening now; I am at a loss of what more to say about this film. Can I put down my stars for it before I conk off? ONE-and-HALF.

Image Source;- youtube/tseries